Our Managing Partner, Prof Cheluchi Onyemelukwe recently participated in a regional meeting on surveillance, the element of preparedness and health security. Part of the meeting involved contributing to the development of IDLO’s new brief on legal preparedness.
The Brief lays out a comprehensive approach to using law as a key lever for health security and addresses the whole of government and whole of society approach to reviewing existing legal frameworks. It provides important guidance to countries interested in shoring up legal preparedness.
Many thanks to IDLO for the invitation to work on this and to Maria Chiara Campisi
Link: https://www.idlo.int/publications/preventing-pandemics-through-rule-law-strengthening-countries-legal-preparedness-public?fbclid=IwAR0bdrgjbtkv1IUe_cNfBWRhMFrWUvptJac-jXhAVrnYWXPp-Hb2dTXueFc